Green the GREENER European VET Network

GREEN | About Us

The workforce in Europe must be environmentally conscious and prepared for the green transition if the EU is to achieve its objective of being a modern, competitive, and sustainable economy. A group of nine partners from six different European nations agreed to work together on the GREEN - GreeneR EuropEan VET Network Project in order to further the worldwide objective of making Europe greener.

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GREEN | Objectives

Establish an integrated and multidisciplinary cooperation strategy at European level with large representativeness from Education and Industry able to mainstream the promotion of Green Skills with a systematic approach.

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GREEN | Partners

The partnership is composed by 9 organisations, balanced by education (CETMAR, VSB -TU, Mercantec, UCY, EWF) and indusrtry representatives (CTI, OLIFE, SWANTEC, CECIMO). We are from different EU countries, namely Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Denmark and Cyprus. EWF is the project coordinator.

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GREEN is a two years forward looking project fostering Green skills in the VET sector.

GREEN will contribute to foster Green skills in the Vocational Education and Training scope., by setting core green skills for the labour market and support the green transition across different economic sectors, by integrating this set into VET curricula as well as into training of teachers and trainers and professional development. Through the twinning of entities working on education, training, research, policy making and industry.

Green the Greener European
VET Network.

GREEN will be capable of gathering the needs and best practices from different perspectives to enable the recovery and just transitions to digital and green economies, thus promoting innovation, creativity and participation, as well as social entrepreneurship in different fields of education and training and across industrial sectors towards the Green Transition.

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Green | Project Results

As a culmination of the above actions, GREEN will integrate the set of core green skills into VET curricula and integrate it for the capacitation of teachers, trainers and other staff, thus within their initial and continuing professional development. To support the integration of practices into existing curricula, recommendations for VET organisations will be developed, addressing the green modules and associated with key sectors such as: Energy - Automotive - Batteries - Maritime - Defence - Additive Manufacturing.


You can find out more about each of our partners, including why they partner with #GREEN Project.
The project consortium is composed of 9 partners from 5 different countries around the world: Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, Denmark and Cyprus.
The partnership is composed by education (CETMAR, VSB -TU, Mercantec, UCY, EWF - The Coordinator of the project) organisations and industrial (CTI, OLIFE, SWANTEC, CECIMO) organisations.

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